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Traffic Records

About Our Program

The Utah Traffic Records Coordinating Committee (UTRCC) is a multidisciplinary, interagency committee created to develop, promote, and implement the Utah Traffic Safety Information Systems Strategic Plan. The mission of UTRCC is to provide more timely, accurate, complete, uniform, integrated, and accessible data to the traffic safety community. Members of the committees are representative of the six departments that have custodial rights over the traffic safety information systems. They are the Department of Technology Services, Department of Public Safety, Department of Transportation, Department of Health, Utah Tax Commission, and Administrative Office of the Courts.

The role and function of the Utah Traffic Records Coordinating Committee include:

  • Review and approve the Utah Traffic Safety Information Systems Strategic Plan;
  • Review Utah’s highway safety data and traffic records systems;
  • Provide a forum for the discussion of highway safety data and traffic records issues;
  • Report any highway safety data and traffic records issues to the agencies and organizations in Utah that create, maintain, and use highway safety data and traffic records;
  • Consider and coordinate the views of organizations in Utah that are involved in the administration, collection, and use of the highway safety data and traffic records system;
  • Represent the interests of the agencies and organizations within the traffic records system to outside organizations; and
  • Review and evaluate new technologies to keep the highway safety data and traffic records systems up-to-date.
  • Traffic Records Program Goal
  • The goal of the Traffic Records Program is to identify deficiencies in current traffic record Information systems; prioritize needs and set goals for improvement; establish benchmarks and identify performance measures that can monitor the progress of goals; itemize specific projects designed to address the identified needs and goals; and specify how current funds, as well as 408 funds, will be used to implement the projects.

Strategic Plan

The latest strategic plan for UTRCC can be read here: Utah Traffic Records Information Systems Strategic Plan

Related Links

For more information please contact:

Barbra Freeman
Traffic Records Senior Program Manager
Utah Highway Safety Office