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Contact Our Team

Our mission is to create awareness that inspires safe roadway behavior, ultimately reducing serious injuries and fatalities on Utah roads. Our vision is to create a culture where roadway users take responsibility for their safety and the safety of others.

The State of Utah benefits from federal funding to improve road safety. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration administers over $500 million in grant programs annually to the 50 States, DC, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Territories, and the BIA. Under Section 405, NHTSA awards grants for occupant protection, State traffic safety information systems, impaired driving countermeasures, distracted driving, motorcyclist safety, State graduated driver licensing laws, and non-motorized safety. Regional offices help States use data to identify their highway safety problems, evaluate safety programs and activities, and provide technical assistance and training to State program managers.

The Highway Safety Office is located at 4501 South 2700 West, Bld #3, 2nd Floor, Taylorsville, UT 84129.
You can reach us on Monday-Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm at 801-965-4400. Or, use the contact form at the link below.

Click here to send us a message!


Anyone on Utah roadways is our customer, we are excited to hear from you. Contact our agency through the link above.

Robyn LaLumia
Division Director

Keri Fuhr
Deputy Director

Keri profile picture

Carolyn Fronce
Financial Analyst

carol fronce profile

Patty Trujillo
Support Services Coordinator

Communications & Public Affairs

The Communications Manager establishes the strategic direction for UHSO communications efforts, including education/media campaigns, while working closely with office staff, UDOT & DPS Communications, and other partners. The Communications Team provides further exposure for highway safety behavior change campaigns through public relations and earned and new media. Contact us for event information, press/media inquiries, public outreach, social media, or to reach the webmaster.

Jason Mettmann
Communications Manager

profile photo of Jason Mettmann

Stacy Debban
Programs Coordinator

Stacy Profile Picture

Occupant Protection Program

Seat belts save lives! Our team develops statewide safety programs focused on seat belt use, proper child car seat use, airbags, bicycle safety, and pedestrian safety. We are implementing countermeasures that work with the goal of Zero Fatalities on Utah roads.

Amy Winkler
Occupant Protection – Program Manager

Kerilee Burton
Child Passenger Safety – Program Manager
Teens | CPS | Seat Belt

Katherine Hemphill
Vulnerable Roadway Users – Program Manager
Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Motorcycle Safety Programs;
Senior Driver | Rail Safety

Katherine profile picture

Rural Traffic Safety Coordinator

Impaired / Drowsy Driving Program

Driving while impaired by alcohol or any drug is often a deadly crime. We remain committed to eliminating impaired driving in Utah through extensive research, public awareness campaigns, and grant funding. Our team can provide information about DUI enforcement, education, checkpoints, and the E.A.S.Y. program that curtails the retail supply of alcohol to minors.

Lynda Hansen
Impaired Driving – Program Manager
Drowsy Driving

lynda reinstein profile

Jill Sorensen
Underage Drinking – Program Manager
E.A.S.Y. Program

Jill profile picture

Traffic Records Program

Our records team ensures that complete, accurate, and timely traffic safety data are collected, analyzed, and made available for decision-making at the state and local levels. Analyzing reliable and accurate traffic records data is central to designing effective countermeasures that reduce traffic injuries and fatalities. Our F.A.R.S. and U.T.A.P.S. systems are state-of-the-art methods for collecting this data.

Barbra Freeman
Traffic Records – Program Manager

Sarah Ulrich
Data Analyst
Fatality Analysis Reporting System

Law Enforcement Programs

The mission of our law enforcement team is to enhance communications between local Law Enforcement Liaisons (LEL), create training workshops to increase the knowledge and skills of participating police agencies and provide technical assistance statewide. Our group of officers from departments all over Utah is a proven network of highway safety professionals that share enhanced communications tools, updated training, best practices, exchange of information on new research, and public outreach campaigns. Our office also funds overtime shifts (through federal grant monies) for officers to conduct high visibility enforcement.

Kevin Larsen
Law Enforcement Liaison – Program Manager
Distracted Driving | Aggressive Driving

Community Outreach Programs

The Community Road Safety Outreach Project (CRSOP) aims to support local communities, cities, counties, or other political subdivisions with traffic safety needs. This project offers funding and resources throughout the grant year for one-time or smaller projects that may arise where locals need additional support that may not have been planned while building capacity for future projects or grants.

Rocio Huizar
Community Engagement Specialist

Rocio Huizar Profile Picture

Through public outreach events, troopers focus on the top five high-risk driving behaviors: impaired driving, seat belt non-use, speeding, aggressive driving, and distracted driving. Our Public Information & Education team gives statewide presentations to schools, businesses, and other organizations tailored to meet local traffic safety needs. We also offer the use of the “seat belt convincer” that simulates a 5 mph vehicle crash. Contact Sgt. Thompson to schedule your event!

Sergeant Mark Thompson
Utah Highway Patrol – PI&E