Impaired Driving
If you drink, don’t drive. Schedule a sober ride before your Superbowl party.
Increased statewide DUI enforcement is happening now and throughout the Superbowl weekend.
Super Bowl Sunday is a time for friends, family and football. The Utah Department of Public Safety wants everyone to be a fan, not an impaired driving statistic. The goal is clear – ensure everyone arrives safely with zero fatalities this weekend.
Thirty-three police agencies statewide will work over 85 additional DUI overtime enforcement shifts on Superbowl Sunday. “Alcohol, prescription drugs, marijuana, or a combination of impairing substances can affect your safe decision-making and safe driving ability. If you feel different, you drive different,” said Major Jeff Nigbur with the Utah Highway Patrol. “Significant law enforcement efforts will occur throughout the state during Superbowl Sunday to deter and detect impaired drivers. Plan a sober ride before you party.”
Impaired Driving Facts:

- Alcohol-related crashes in Utah are 14.7 times more likely to be fatal than all other types of crashes
- The average BAC for alcohol-related DUI arrests in Utah is 0.15 (three times the legal limit)
- Alcohol-related fatalities accounted for 20% of all traffic fatalities from 2020 to 2024
- In 2023 (SFY), there were 11,440 DUI arrests in Utah; that’s an average of 31 arrests per day
For a safe Super Bowl weekend, being a responsible driver is simple:
- Have a pre-game plan that includes arranging a safe ride home before the start of the game
- If someone you know is impaired, take their keys and don’t let that person get behind the wheel
- If you drink, don’t drive – Utah’s BAC limit is 0.05; impairment starts with the first drink.
- Utah’s ride-share and taxi companies are a great option to keep an impaired friend safe
- Always wear a seatbelt; it’s your best defense against impaired drivers
Make the Super Bowl weekend a win for everyone. Remember, the real champions are the ones who make it home safely.
Enforcement Efforts
A DUI can quickly turn your celebrations into a moment of distress and regret. Law enforcement has zero tolerance for those driving under any type of impairment. If you plan to drink during your game day party, plan a sober ride.
Law enforcement will be working extra DUI shifts, actively patrolling for impaired drivers throughout the Superbowl Weekend.
Over 85 extra DUI shifts are being worked by Utah 33 law enforcement agencies statewide on Superbowl Sunday. This high-visibility enforcement and media campaign is in addition to enforcement already happening on the roads. We’re notifying the public in advance about the increased DUI enforcement statewide, hoping to prevent people from choosing to drive after consuming alcohol or taking impairing drugs.
Consequences Of A DUI
0.05 BAC Limit Law
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, a driver with a .05 BAC is twice as likely to be involved in a crash than a driver with no alcohol in their system.
The primary goal of the BAC change in Utah is to separate the activity of drinking from the activity of driving a vehicle, thus saving lives on Utah roadways. Simply put, “If You Drink, Don’t Drive.”Law enforcement officers continue to make stops and arrests based on observed signs of impairment. By focusing on impairment instead of the BAC level, officers will be able to identify and arrest both alcohol-impaired and drug-impaired drivers on Utah roadways.
Responsible Behavior
- Plan your safe ride home before you start the party, choose a non-drinking friend as a designated driver.
- If someone you know has been drinking, do not let that person get behind the wheel. Take their keys and help them arrange a sober ride home.
- If you drink, do not drive for any reason. Call a taxi, a ride-hailing service, or a sober friend.
- If you’re hosting a party where alcohol will be served, make sure all guests leave with a sober driver.
- Always wear your seat belt — it’s your best defense against impaired drivers.
If you see an impaired driver on the road, call 911. Some of the signs of impaired driving are:
(Source: NHTSA DWI Detection Guide)
- Drifting during a turn or curve
- Inattentiveness to surroundings
- Swerving or weaving across lanes
- Stopping too far, too short, too jerky, and having a slow response at traffic signals
- Driving without headlights on at night
- Varying speed or driving too slow (approximately 10+ mph under the speed limit)
For more information about Drive Sober programs, please contact:
Lynda Hansen, Impaired Driving Program Manager
Media Contact:
Jason Mettmann, Communications Manager, Highway Safety Office